Congratulations on your decision to enrol as a volunteer of the Municipality of Strovolos. Now we’d like to ask you to take some time to fill in your New Volunteer Application Form. This process will help us to identify the volunteering needs that best match your interests.

It is important for you to know that you will have the option to accept or reject any volunteer work offered to you. Also, you have the right to end your services as a volunteer any time you wish. All those joining the team of Municipality Volunteers will be fully informed and offered full support.

This application is not affected by any other participation you may have in volunteering organisations other than the Strovolos Municipality Volunteers team.

Upon completion of the application you will be contacted by an officer of the Strovolos Municipality to arrange a meeting. We urge you to experience the joy of volunteering!

Information based on article 11 of the Law on General Data Processing (Personal Data Protection), Law 138(I)/2001, as amended

The collection of your personal data is performed exclusively for the needs of the Strovolos Municipality Volunteers Office, aiming at your participation in a volunteer service. The Strovolos Municipality Volunteers Office is responsible for the processing of the register.

You have the right to access and edit the data concerning you.

To practise your right to access/edit or in the event that you wish to be deleted from the register, you can send a letter via email ( or via fax (22 470400) or by hand to the Resident’s Service Bureau at the Strovolos Municipal Hall.


We encourage the active participation of all residents


  • (For people under 18 years of age)
  • (για άτομα κάτω των 18 ετών)
  • Select date MM slash DD slash YYYY
  • Fields marked with an asterisk (*) are obligatory.


    Please indicate the categories of actions you wish to participate in, by selecting the appropriate field (you can select as many categories as you wish):

  • For people under 18 years of age, the consent of a parent/guardian is necessary.
    In the event that you wish to be deleted from the register, you can send a letter via email (, via fax (22 470400) or by hand to the Resident’s Service Bureau at the Strovolos Municipality Hall. You are also informed that you have the right to edit the personal data that concern you.